All Saints Church Hall Sessions
Monday - 8.30am - 12.00pm
Tuesday - 8.30am - 12.00pm
Wednesday - 8.30am - 12.00pm
Friday - 8.30am- 12.00pm
Children below the age of 3 will start at 9.00am ( unless an early start is requested)
Forest School Sessions
Monday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm
Tuesday - 8.45am - 12.00pm
Tuesday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm
Wednesday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm
Thursday - 8.45am - 12.00pm
Thursday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm
Woodland Nursery Sessions
Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm
Optional extra hour 4 - 5pm
Autumn Term 2024/25
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Monday 28th October - 1st November 2024
Fingertips All Saints Church Closed
Wednesday 18th December 2024
Friday 20th December 2024
Winter Term 2024/25
Monday 6th January 2025
Tuesday 7th January 2025​
Monday 17th February - 21st February 2025
Friday 4th April 2025
Summer Term 2024/25
Tuesday 22nd April 2025​
Wednesday 23rd April 2025​
Monday 5th May 2025
Monday 26th May - 30th May 2025
Friday 18th July 2025
Our Fees
Woodland Nursery (inclusive of breakfast and two healthy snacks)
8am - 4pm funded (using 6 hours funding) - £24/day
8am - 4pm funded (using 3 hours funding) - £51/day
8am - 4pm non-funded - £74/day
4pm - 5pm optional extended hour - £10/day
Our Fingertips and Forest school Preschool fees:
2-3 year olds: £27.50
9.00am to 12pm are sessional and inclusive of healthy snacks and milk. You can request an 8.30am start for an additional fee..
3-4 year olds: £33.50 per session (No funding) or (£6 per session if using 3 hours funding)
​Fingertips All Saints church: 8.30am to 12pm includes a light breakfast and healthy snack.
Forest school
Morning: 8:45am - 12pm
Afternoon: 12.05pm to 3.30pm
Forest school includes a light fruit snack and a hot chocolate (Dairy free options available)
2 year old funding (the term after your child turns 2)
There is now funding available for some children who are aged 2 years old depending on your circumstances. Our local children centre will help you apply for this and we will assist in any way we possibly can.
3-5 year old funding (the term after your child turns 3)
The term after your child turns 3 you are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare per week, you are welcome to take additional sessions for your child. Additional sessions will be charged at the normal sessional rate. We do not ask for top ups or voluntary donations.
30 Hour funding
We are able to offer a limited number of 30 hour funded places. Please call to discuss.
We invoice termly, however this can be paid in two instalments each instalment must be paid 7 days before the start of each half term. We would appreciate payments being made before the start of the new half term to avoid late payment fees. Any additional sessions can be paid by cash or cheque in advance.
Registration and Waiting list
To register your child with our setting or to place them on our waiting list an application form must be completed and returned with a registration fee of £35. This is a non-refundable fee. Once a place comes available and we are able to offer your child a place you will have 14 days to make a refundable deposit of £200 to reserve your child’s place in our preschool. This will be deducted from your invoice on the last month before your child leaves the preschool. This deposit is not refundable if you decide that you no longer want the space prior to starting. There is no reduction in fees for absence due to holidays or sickness.
Childcare Vouchers
We are registered on many different childcare voucher schemes. Let us know which scheme and we will forward you the details.