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Fingertips Preschool and Forest School

Fingertips Preschool and forest school is an Ofsted Outstanding setting.  We are a sessional setting and offer 9.00 am till 3.00 pm so you can choose your sessions in any way that suits your family and your lifestyle.  You can choose a 9.00 am till 12.00 pm in the indoor setting (2-5 year olds) on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday or Friday.  When your child is 3 years old you they can access our forest school sessions.  This means that you can have a 9.00 am till 3.00 pm day with a morning in the setting and afternoon in the forest.  Alternatively you can have an all day forest school session.


We accept 2 year old and 3 year old 15 hour funding and a limited number of 30 hour funded places.


The layout of our setting is specifically designed to meet all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

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Opening hours

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Term Dates



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A typical day


Our highly qualified and passionate team ensure that each day is packed with exciting and motivating learning opportunities.  We strive to offer our children the opportunity to embark on an exciting journey towards a life-long long love of learning.


To do this we strategically plan, based on the children's own interests, to include social and language skills, physical development, an understanding of the incredible world around them, the fun in science, the excitement of mathematics and literacy and also very importantly expressive art and design with the imperative being on them having fun with every area of learning.


We see our parents as very much a part of their child's learning process and we keep them informed of their child's individual plan and our group plan so that we all work together on this exciting learning journey.


On a daily basis we invite our children to a small learning group where they will play games that help to extend their learning.


Forest School

Fingertips were the first preschool to pioneer forest school in Harpenden.  We have been able to share our expertise and skills with

local schools, pre-schools and nurseries, working with them and giving their children opportunities to experience this amazing approach. 


Forest School is based on the Scandinavian educational learning approach where children can develop their confidence and self-esteem in a natural outdoor woodland environment. They learn new skills, how to manage their own risk and are given opportunities to use their own initiative to problem solve. Their play is imaginative and helps them grow into creative thinkers. We see our children beginning to share and co-operate with their peers while achieving their own goals. Forest School is an all-weather, all year approach and by attending forest school sessions the children learn about themselves and to appreciate the changing natural environment.



Some of the things we do at forest school; whittling sticks, making mud pies, sawing, climbing trees, playing on rope swings, playing imaginary games, lighting fires and learning about the environment and the natural world we live in.  These activities are carefully designed to; build confidence and self-esteem,  improve communication and social skills, learn to recognise and manage risk improve team skills and provide a natural motivation and positive attitude towards learning.



All Saints Church Hall Sessions


Monday - 8.30am - 12.00pm

Tuesday - 8.30am - 12.00pm

Wednesday - 8.30am - 12.00pm

Friday - 8.30am - 12.00pm

Children below the age of 3 will start at 9.00am (unless an early start is requested)



2-3 year olds:

£27.50 per session


3+ year olds:

£6 per session (Using 3 hours funding)

£33.50 per session (no funding)

Forest School Sessions


Monday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm

Tuesday - 8.45am - 12.00pm

Tuesday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm

Wednesday - 12.05pm - 3.00pm

Thursday - 8.45am - 12.00pm

Thursday - 12.05pm - 3.30pm



£6 per session (Using 3 hours funding)

£33.50 per session (no funding)

 *early starters will benefit with a light breakfast.   

 *A light fruit snack will be provided with hot chocolate for those attending Forest school in the afternoon

Opening hours FPFS
Term dates FPFS


Summer Term 2024



Monday 15th April 2024



Tuesday 16th April 2024



6th May 2024



Monday 27th May – 31st May 2024



Friday 19th July 2024

Autumn Term 2024



Tuesday 3rd September 2024



Wednesday 4th September 2024



Monday 28th October - 1st November 2024


Fingertips  All Saints Church Closed

Wednesday 18th December 2024



Friday 20th December 2024


Winter Term 2025



Monday 6th January 2025



Tuesday 7th January 2025



Monday 17th February - 21st February 2025



Friday 4th April 2025


what is included in our fees:​


2-3 year olds:

9.00am to 12pm are sessional and inclusive of healthy snacks and milk.  You can request an 8.30am start for an additional fee..


3-4 year olds:

​8.30am to 12pm includes a light breakfast and healthy snack

12.05pm to 3.30pm includes a light fruit snack and a hot chocolate (Dairy free options available)


2 year old funding (the term after your child turns 2)

There is now 15 and 30 hour funding available for some children who are aged 2 years.  If you need assistance with applying for this please contact us as soon as you know you are eligible and we will give you as much guidance as we can. 


3-5 year old funding (the term after your child turns 3)

The term after your child turns 3 you are entitled to 15 government funded hours per week, you can use a maximum of 3 hours per session.  You are welcome to take additional sessions for your child.  Additional sessions will be charged at the normal sessional rate. 


30 Hour funding

We are able to offer a small number of 30 hour funded places. Please call to discuss.



We invoice termly, however this can be paid in two instalments each instalment must be paid 7 days before the start of each half term. We would appreciate payments being made before the start of the new half term to avoid late payment fees. Any additional sessions can be paid by cash or cheque in advance.


Registration and Waiting list

To register your child with our setting or to place them on our waiting list an application form must be completed and returned with a registration fee of £35. This is a non-refundable fee.  Once a place comes available and we are able to offer your child a place you will have 14 days to make a refundable deposit of £200 to reserve your child’s place in our preschool.  This will be deducted from your invoice on the last month before your child leaves the preschool.  This deposit is not refundable if you decide that you no longer want the space prior to starting.  There is no reduction in fees for absence due to holidays or sickness.


Childcare Vouchers

We are registered on many different childcare voucher schemes.  Let us know which scheme and we will forward you the details.







A typical day

The layout of our setting is specifically designed to meet all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and each day new activities are set out to ensure that there are lots of stimulating and exciting projects and games out so that the children will have a fun learning experience. We love engaging them in real life experiences such as real nuts and bolts, real tools, hammers & nails, wood and lots of scientific exploration. At some point during the session they will be called to a small teaching group where they will be engaged in more focused learning that is designed to be both fun and engaging while getting them ready for school.


Children will choose their healthy snack that is provided in the morning and where children are staying for forest school parents will supply a healthy packed lunch.


The children are free to explore both the indoor and outdoor garden areas, where we offer them the same learning opportunities in both areas, this is because we have found that some children learn better outside, and some learn better inside.


If your child is 3 years old and you would like them to have a 9.00 am till 3.00pm day, then they can access our forest school setting in the afternoon.  At 12.00pm we transfer a number of children to our woodland setting where the children will have their healthy packed lunch and we have lots of fun forest school activities and free play in the forest until 3.00 pm.

Typical day FPFS
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